Our Guide to Chinese Car Imports in the New Zealand Market
Posted on 24th July 2024
Explore our guide to Chinese cars in the NZ market. Learn about their growing presence, key models, and how they compare in terms of quality and value.
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Most Liveable Cities in the World
Posted on September 30, 2019
Looking for an overseas adventure? Perhaps a transfer within the same company or a complete change in career?
If you don’t have a destination locked in yet then you’ll want to check out the top ten most livable cities according to Lonely Planet. Canada and Australia feature heavily on the list but Vienna stays in the top position for the second year in a row.
What makes them such great cities to live in?
The annual Global Liveability Index judges 140 cities around the world. Each city is ranked by 30 factors that fall under 5 main categories - healthcare, culture, stability (political and crime rate), infrastructure and education. Here are the top ten winners for 2019...
1. Vienna, Austria
2. Melbourne, Australia
3. Sydney, Australia
4. Osaka, Japan
5. Calgary, Canada
6. Vancouver, Canada
7. Toronto, Canada
7. Tokyo, Japan
9. Copenhagen, Denmark
10. Adelaide, Australia
Sydney, though always popular, ranked higher this year which many locals believe is due to an increased focus into climate change reduction, causing a positive vibe across the city. Interestingly, Japan was recently awarded ‘most favourite tourists’ for their behaviour when visiting other countries. They just keep getting it right!
Of course, famous cities such as New York, Paris and London score highly for their cultural and culinary quantities, but with higher rates of crime, these ratings move down the list notably.
With population increases across the world, cities are only set to become even bigger, making transport, culture and environmental issues more important.
So, we hope this has given you ‘food for thought’ if you are planning a major move. However, wherever you choose to live and work, embrace your city with open arms and an open mind and it's sure to be a great choice.
Motorhome Maintenance 101: Essential Tips for Longevity
Posted on 24th June 2024
Discover expert tips for maintaining your motorhome. From fluid checks to winterisation, these essential care tips will keep your motorhome in top shape.
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Top Features Every Caravan Buyer Should Look For
Posted on 24th May 2024
Discover the top five features crucial for a perfect caravan. From spacious interiors to safety measures, make an informed choice with our guide.
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Tips for Buying Cars Online as an NZ Importer
Posted on 24th April 2024
Explore essential tips for buying cars online in NZ as an importer. Learn key practices, guidelines, and steps for a successful purchase process.
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